About us

source link Netzdoku is a blog and an informal network of digital  documentary film makers. Both are quiet since 2018, although the Twitter feed is still active.  This web presence is meant as an archive.

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https://living4youboutique.com/k5b1yt0cr Since 2013 the Netzdoku network has run more than 30 hands-on and theme-based meetings in Berlin. It also organised documentary hackathons in Germany: DOK Hackathon Berlin (2014), DOK Hackathon Leipzig (2015), in cooperation with the Interactive Media Foundation, DOK Leipzig, as well as ARTE Future.

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Buy Cheap Tramadol Online Uk In June 2015, Netzdoku went to Sunny Side of the Doc, along with GAME Bundesverband to offer an overview of the interactive documentary and game development sectors in Germany.


https://www.pathwaysmagazineonline.com/sey567ry Netzdoku, a loosely organised network is currently mainly coordinated by Frédéric Dubois (frederic at reportero dot org) and Jonas Witsch (jonas at netzdoku dot org).


https://www.insearchofsukoon.com/abekx69r This blog (netzdoku.org) used to report on the newest web-based documentaries and on crossmedia storytelling events. It sheds some light on the work of those who drive the i-doc genre in the German-speaking countries.


https://etbscreenwriting.com/kb8y40m4 The authors behind this blog are mainly based in Berlin. https://gsaudemarketing.com.br/28vecv07 Since most of its content is in German, be sure to visit the German-language version.

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