Schlagwort-Archive: hackathon

DOK Hackathon Leipzig 2015 There is time, there is space and then there is you. We have the time: 25-27 October 2015. We have the space: Spinnerei, Leipzig. What we don’t have, is  follow YOU. Three days sounds short. But hey, when is the last time you have had three full days to focus exclusively on one project? This is the ultimate spot to play with technology to tell a meaningful story. Stick your head out of your comfort zone. Submit your application to the DOK Hackathon Leipzig! More info on the hackathon website [now offline].

Tribeca Hacks DOK Leipzig The Tribeca Film Institute (TFI) and DOK Leipzig are partnering on a collaborative Hackathon. Combining the tools of new technologies, the engagement of audiences with a creative approach, Tribeca Hacks will push the boundaries of documentary storytelling, while opening it to hybrid forms and interactivity.

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Purchase Tramadol Online Cod Connecting media artists, filmmakers and digital storytellers with programmers, games developers and web designers, this new platform is for creative encounter, professional exchange and practical work experience. During this 3-day workshop event the participants will form four to five multidisciplinary project teams and define, develop and partly realize a project from the initial idea to a first prototype.

Purchase Tramadol Overnight Competition to participate now closed. The Hackathon runs from Tuesday evening, October 28 through Thursday evening, October 30. For more information:

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14. Checkpoint Netz-Doku Der 14. Checkpoint Netz-Doku, das Treffen der interaktiven Dokumacher Berlins, steht an. Am Donnerstag den 22. Mai 2014 um 19h im Betahaus (Raum EDC Dialog), Berlin-Kreuzberg, geht es los.

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Tramadol Online American Express In diesem Checkpoint spricht Interactive Director Renaud Cayla (Dreispringer) über ein Hackathon Projekt. Es geht um ein Hackathon, der in einem Paris-Berlin Nachtzug stattfinden wird. Wir reden überhaupt am Donnerstag über Hackathons und wie sie Webdoku Projekte beschleunigen können.

go here Außerdem gibt es am Anfang das Networking und die Community News, für alle die, die gerne unkonventionellen Journalismus, online Dokumentationen und non fiction Kunst zusammenführen möchten. Infos: Nora oder Frédéric —